Last night while I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep I came upon a realization. I don't ask questions. I ask accusations.
Say what?
When a normal person asks a question they are looking for an answer to something they don't know.
When I ask a question I don't do that. I ask questions I already know the answers to as if it's an accusation. For instance when I asked my husband last night if he had written that article on discrimination yet I knew he had not written it. I knew he had spent the day playing his favorite online game.
So what's the point in asking questions that I already know the answers to? Guilt. I'm trying to use guilt. Does it work. Nope. He knows me to well. He figured out a long time ago that I ask questions this way. More often than not my questions get worded as accusations. I might as well just say, "I know you didn't do it. You suck." cause that's how it comes across.
I learned this from my mom. I love my mom to death but she does the same thing. Every question she asks is more like an accusation rather than a question. It's like she is trying to catch me in a lie. I do the same thing to my husband. It's horrible!
So, I'm making this a goal. Stop asking questions as a way to accuse and and make accusations.
I Don't Ask Questions (342 Days)
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