I'm not athletic. Not even in the slightest. I don't understand this. My siblings are very athletic and always have been. Even when I was younger I never excelled at anything even remotely athletic. It's just not me. I wish I had an athletic bone in my body but I just don't.
The problem is I am letting this get in the way of being healthy. I don't exercise. I weigh much more than I should, and I just don't take care of myself. I know I need to make changes but I don't know where to start. I want to have children (more about that later) but my health is getting in the way of that. (more about that later too) I can't handle looking at myself in the mirror and I hate that clothes never fit me like I want them to.
I'm sick and tired of being the fat girl. I know I will never be as small as my younger sister but I need to do something about it before my health becomes a bigger problem. It all seems so overwhelming to me. I'm clueless when it comes to exercise and I give up way too easy.
I think my weight is a huge part of my self confidence problem. I don't think anyone looks at me and sees an intelligent person. Just someone who needs to go on a diet. I know that's what I see when I look in the mirror.
I Don't Like What I See (359 Days)
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