A journey through my last year as a twenty-something

Photos...ick (350 Days)

I'm not a fan of being in pictures. Sure there are a few snapshot of me over the last few years but nothing that I'm very proud of. I've never been very photogenic. I just think I look funny in pictures. I use a photo that's 7 0r 8 years old when I have to post a pic online. It's the only photo of myself that I like. Of course that was back when I actually took some pride in how I looked.

These days I shy away from the camera for the most part and when I'm asked to be part of a family pic like I was back in January when my grandparents celebrated their 50th Anniversary, I cringe.

You can't hide from yourself in pictures. You can't avoid the reality of how much you have let yourself go when you see a photo of yourself. I can't help but notice how fat my face looks these days and how horrible I look compared to the rest of my family. Yeah I know I should not be judging myself based on how they look but it's hard.

So, where's the positivity in this post? Crap! I forgot about trying to be positive again. I guess this photo will have to be my ray of sunshine for the day.

This photo was created by my best friend Jenn (her on the left, me on the right). I don't think we look as good as Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles but we will can kick demon butt with the best of them.