I was one of the first people I knew to have to wear a bra. While most of the girls in my class were still wearing training bras I was moving up the line to bigger sizes. I completely skipped from a training bra to a C cup in just a short amount of time. It wasn't long after that I found myself in a D cup. Yes, I've always had large breasts. Even when I weighed less my breasts were big but now, since I've gained so much weight they are even bigger.
One of my goals for this year was going to be to get fitted by a professional for the right size bra. Luckily I won't have to go through that embarrassment.
I got a few new bras a couple of weeks ago and wham!
So that's where they are supposed to go! It's amazing what a good bra that's the right size and has the right support will do for your figure. Clothes fit better and I actually feel better about myself. I'm not going to tell you what size I'm wearing but let's just say it's the right one and it's bigger than what I thought it would be.
Putting "The Girls" In Their Place (349 Days)
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